Frequently Asked Questions

Beer types

What kind of beer do you make?

We make many different types of beer! We strive to make quality craft beer that fits the Portuguese climate: not too heavy on the alcohol and very refreshing. 

On the website you can find our three main beers. These are a West Coast IPA, a Wheat beer and a California Common. Besides these three beers we make specials every one or two months. We produce different styles, of both American and European origin.

Brewery visits and tastings

Can we visit you, or do a tasting?

We are working on making this possible. If you are interested, complete the contact form and we will keep you updated of possibilities to visit and taste.

Beer delivery

Where do you deliver beer?

We deliver beer to continental Portugal.

I do not live in continental Portugal but I do want to order beer, is that possible?

Please fill out our contact form or send us an e-mail and tell us where you are and what you are interested in. If there is enough interest from a certain country or region, we can set up deliveries and we will contact you.

Which company do you use for deliveries?

The beer is delivered by Torrestir.They have an excellent track record and make every delivery.

Delivery companies are never able to find my house, will they be able to deliver beer?

Yes, they will! 

Torrestir has an excellent track record of finding even the difficult to find places. Because they are Portuguese and we are small, we can have personal contact to make sure your first delivery arrives. After that first delivery, new deliveries will be peanuts. To facilitate the first delivery, you can use “order notes” to share with us specific instructions, your GPS coordinates or Google plus code, and we will give these instructions to the driver. 

If you have it, we add your Portuguese telephone number. The driver may want to call you before delivery, to make sure you are at home. To help the driver further you can also than whatsapp your location to the driver. 

How do I share my location with the driver?

If the driver has called you, you can help him further by sharing your location via Whatsapp. 

  1. you find the telephone number of the driver under “recent calls” and save that telephone number on your phone under the name “Torrestir”. 
  2. Go to your “Whatsapp” app and find “Torrestir”. Click the “add” icon, click on “Location” and than click “Send current location”.

Is it possible to be called before delivery, so I don’t have to stay at home?

Yes,  it is possible to ask to be called prior to delivery, so you can make an appointment. This does require a Portuguese telephone number. Add this request to the “order notes”. 

I don’t have a Portuguese telephone number/I don’t have a  smartphone/I don’t know how to share my location. How do I get a delivery?

No worries, we can help you out! We can work as an intermediary. Please contact us directly via telephone or e-mail and we will make sure your first delivery runs smoothly.


What does a subscription mean?

A subscription means you get a monthly delivery of special beers on the third Thursday of the month. You get a mix of different styles. Besides the three main types we include specials that we make. With the beer package, you will also receive background information about the beers and news about us and our brewing, and a small surprise. This can be anything from a food pairing recipe, to a bag of peanuts to a Beasty T-shirt. With the Small subscription we include these regularly, in the Medium, Large and X-Large subscriptions, we always include something.

Can you adapt my subscription package to my taste preferences?

Yes we can! Just tell us what you like or don’t like, and we will adapt your package accordingly. Send us an e-mail, call us or send us a message via 926449398 (telephone or whatsapp).

Why do you work with subscriptions?

We are a small brewing company, and planning is very important for us. Beer takes a long time to make! So with the subscription system we have some idea of how much to make, and it makes sending out the packages easier and cheaper. As a client you profit from this system as well, and you get a better deal than when buying a single package. 

What if I am away on a holiday?

If you are away on a holiday you can go to “my account” on the website, and click on “suspend”. If we are still processing your previous payment of your previous delivery, this button may not be visible for a few days. We are working on fixing this. You can always  suspend by sending us an e-mail at or call or whatsapp us at 926449398. Please let us know at least 3 days before the delivery.

Can I receive a package at a different address, if I am on a holiday?

Yes, you can receive your package on a holiday address in Portugal, or let it be sent to someone else, as long as the address is on continental Portugal. Please request this by sending us an e-mail, call us or send us a message via 926449398 (telephone or whatsapp). Currently it will not suffice to only change your shipping address in your account, we are working on this, but meanwhile contact us! 

What if I forget to pause?

We will send an e-mail each month to remind you of the upcoming delivery, which at that point can easily be paused, canceled or adapted by replying to the e-mail, or by logging into your account.

What if I want to change the size of my subscription?

This is possible up to three days before delivery. Currently this is only possible by sending us an e-mail at or call or whatsapp us at 926449398.

Do I have a minimum period for subscribing before being allowed to pause or cancel my subscription?

You can pause or cancel at any time, even already after your first delivery. There is no minimal term for subscriptions. We guarantee that any change will be processed up to three days before the third Thursday of the month. Within three days before the third Thursday of the month we will strive to pause or cancel the delivery if requested, but we cannot guarantee it.

What if I am not at home for the delivery?

If you are not at home at the time of delivery, a new delivery attempt will be made the next day. If this fails we will contact you to agree on a suitable delivery time or location.

If you already know beforehand you will not be at home for the delivery, let us know and tell us on which day or location you would like to receive the delivery.

Other questions?

Contact us through the contact form or call or whatsapp us at 926449398 in English, Dutch or Portuguese.