Who are we?

We are Pieter (Pedro in Portuguese) and Mette, a couple from the Netherlands who decided to move to Portugal and start a brewery!

We met when we studied medical biology. After our studies, Pieter started his own IT business and Mette did her PhD and worked as a forensic advisor for the Dutch Police. We always had the idea to move abroad and start our own business, and now we are living the dream.

We are making our new home in the Algarve. Where the sun always shines, the people are welcoming and the birds always sing. What better place is there to live!

We are starting small with small batches of beer, we sell to restaurants, cafés and directly to beer lovers. We also cater for private parties. Because we start small, we can meet special wishes and even make a beer specially for your occasion or business, with your own private label.

Contact us for more information.

Want to support us? Inform other people about our business, share our website or social media posts or buy our beer:-) Want to stay informed about our business? Subscribe to our newsletter by completing the contact form.

From left to right: Pieter (brewmaster), Selin (social relations), Mette (everything else).

Our Beasty mission

We believe that the best beer is made with attention to detail. There are many things that influence the quality and the taste of the beer. Only by getting all details right, the best end result is reached. As biologists originally, we pay special attention to the composition of the water. By correcting the water profile, to meet the style of the beer, the taste is greatly improved. Through experimenting we have found recipes that are well balanced.

We choose to make beer that fits the Portuguese climate, not too heavy on the alcohol and very refreshing.

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